Okawa Furniture is high-quality furniture crafted by artisans.
We created “Cat Furniture” to demonstrate our craft and good sense.
Cats are fickle and carefree,
but extremely demanding about what they find comfortable.
What furniture can satisfy even finicky cats?
“Cat Furniture.”
We do not cut corners just because the furniture is for cats.
Carefully selected wood is used, and outstanding artisan skill is put into the making of each and every piece of our furniture.
It is as comfy to use as it looks.
Okawa Furniture can satisfy any demand, made by anyone.
We asked the furniture makers that created these cat furniture about their creation.
Let us introduce to you their uncompromising points and passion for furniture making.
Click the furniture you’re interested in for detail.
Showing how wood is made into cat furniture!
See the masterful skill of Okawa Furniture artisans open to the public only for this occasion.
How cat furniture is made (1) Hiromatsu Furniture
How cat furniture is made (2) Marusho
How cat furniture is made (3) Nakayama
Here are Cat Furniture commercials.
Look at kitty cats lazily relaxing on sofa and bed.
Cat furniture is added to the list of gifts for Furusato Donation (Local tax payment to your favorite town). Click here for the special site on Furusato Donation to Okawa City with a list of wonderful gifts besides cat furniture.
- Interior Division, Okawa City Office
- Tel: +81-944-85-5570