職人MADE 大川家具 by 大川市


Fitting artisan, Kumiko lattice artisan

Shinichi Nitahara

The company was established by the first owner in 1951, and Shinichi Nitahara joined the company in 1980 as an artisan.
He has won many fittings competitions. He creates wooden fittings and kumiko lattice.



What kind of products are you making?
I make kumiko lattice and fittings.
How did you come to this occupation?
I had always loved making things.
What are you particular about in your work?
Diligently and carefully create a beautiful finish hoping for the piece to be used for a long time.
What is the good thing about your job?
When customers are happy with my work, and meeting many people.
What is your dream?
Creating things and a human network.
Name of company Nitahara Tategu Seisakusho
Location 916-3 Mukaijima, Okawa-shi, Fukuoka 831-0005
TEL +81-944-86-4302
HP http://www.nitaharatategu.com/


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