職人MADE 大川家具 by 大川市


Kumiko lattice artisan

Hiromi Shiki

Graduated from Interior Course, Kyushu Zokei Junior College of Art and Design

Won many National Fittings Contests



What kind of products are you making?
Traditional kumiko lattice
How did you come to this occupation?
Because I was born into a family that has been in the business of manufacturing these products for many generations.
What are you particular about in your work?
Bringing out the best of the raw material in the delicate work. Matching the thoughts of users with creativeness, and never becoming arrogant.
What is the good thing about your job?
When I face difficulty during work, I think that work teaches me about work, and people teach me about people.
What is your dream?
To live life and create products that make the people involved with me understand that the answers to Q1 through Q4 are true.
Name of company Minatoya
Location 314-5 Ohashi, Okawa-shi, Fukuoka 831-0021
TEL +81-944-86-4023
FAX +81-944-86-8452


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